12bet中文官方平台(Augustana University)今年秋季开设了社会工作辅修课程,之后是所有辅修课程 Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) 2024年秋季开学的专业课程,是12bet中文官方平台的一部分 Viking Bold: The Journey to 2030 战略计划建立新的学术课程,以文科为基础,挑战智力,同时回应学生的需求和兴趣.
“在全国范围内,对社会工作者的需求很大,需求量也很大,”她说. 巴特英里,他在2022年春天被聘为项目主管.
Miles came to AU from Michigan, where he served as chair of the department of social work and sociology, 同时也是圣母大学社会工作硕士(MSW)项目的主任. 他在社会工作领域有近20年的教师经验, 以及在中西部各种环境中担任社会工作者的七年经验, Southwest and West Coast. Miles earned both a MSW and Ph.D. in social work from Arizona State University.
“For me, it’s exciting to be able to build a program,” said Miles. “但是,我认为真正突出的是这个项目的历史,它融合了 Circle of Cour年龄 Model (the Sharon Lust School of Education’s conceptual framework) as well.”
The 历史 of Social Work at Augustana
Augustana announced in April of 2022 这所大学将在20年后恢复其社会工作项目, thanks to the generous support of the Scott family and Sanford 健康. Sharon Lust教育学院的Harriet Emily Scott社会工作项目是以12bet游戏平台社会工作项目前主任和社会工作助理教授命名的. Harriet Emily (Johnson) Scott ‘59.
“在我面前,该机构的社会工作项目的声誉仍然很高. 我参加了全国社会工作者协会南达科他州分会(NASW-SD)会议,哈丽特, 当然, 在那里,” recalled Miles. “字面上的, 我被要求给她和苏福尔斯大学的教授们拍照,因为她是他们的教授. They may have gotten their degree at USF, but when it was a joint program, it was Harriet who they connected with.”
The New BSW
The overall major in social work is a total of 43 credit hours. 12bet中文官方平台在本学年开设了专业入门课程,并在明年秋季开始开设高级课程. The program has already hired Heather El-Khoury, assistant professor of social work, as the field director who will handle student internships, which students will be eng年龄d in during their senior year. Since so many students at Augustana double major, 迈尔斯说,他在安排课程时是有意的,这样他们就可以主修社会工作和其他社会科学, like sociology and psychology, which pair well with each other.
一些学生已经在这个项目中选择了专业和辅修, including Emma Campbell ‘26, of Sioux Falls.
“理想情况下, 我想从事临床治疗——我脑子里有一些儿童游戏治疗的想法,” said Campbell.
坎贝尔最初来到这所大学是想上医学院, but soon realized that it wasn’t the right fit for her.
坎贝尔说:“我对社会工作很感兴趣,因为我一直想从事帮助人的职业。. “我意识到,我一直对帮助人们解决心理健康问题有着浓厚的兴趣,而社会工作能让我更接近这个目标。, as well as give me a big range of different opportunities in the field.”
“I like how sociology looks at things from a broader perspective, and then social work is like zooming in on the individual,” Crawford said.
Crawford came to Augustana from Pierre, South Dakota, 在阅读了一篇12bet游戏平台12bet游戏平台将如何再次提供该计划的文章后.
“I’ve been through a lot of adversity, 我选择了社会工作,因为在我年轻的时候,它能给我提供帮助像我这样的人所需的工具,” said Crawford, who battled abuse and addiction at a young 年龄. “我想帮助那些没有人帮助的人——那些被别人放弃的人.
“I think I’ll be able to use those hard times to actually help someone. 没有其他职业能做到这一点——利用我经历过的不好的事情,把它们变成对别人有益的东西.”
Just like Campbell and Crawford, 迈尔斯说,被这个职业吸引的学生通常都有相同的特点, the same mindset that stands out when he speaks with them.
“In general, students typically say some of the same things. They say, ‘I want to help people.’ Oftentimes, 他们说, “我想成为一个帮助别人克服挑战的人,就像我曾经克服挑战一样.’
她说:“她们天生就想成为拥护者——她们想为别人出头. 有社会公正观点的人更适合从事社会工作因为社会工作是一种以行动为导向的社会变革, even in the clinical world,” Miles explained. “社会工作的很大一部分是针对贫困、边缘化和受压迫的人. 所以,那些有兴趣帮助那些人的人.”
What many times gets overlooked in the social work profession, 英里说, 社会工作者经常是倡导者吗?他们反对那些没有为他们提供符合条件的服务的制度.
“When parents hear their kids say, ‘I want a Bachelor of Social Work,’ they often think they’re going to be taking people’s children away, which is Child Protective Services. 现实情况是,大多数儿童保护服务工作者没有社会工作学位. 儿童保护服务并不是大多数社会工作者的主要工作领域,”迈尔斯说.
Augustana is preparing to become accredited by the Council for Social Work Education (CSWE) -美国唯一被批准的社会工作项目认证机构.S. CSWE的认证确保了社会工作教育的高标准,学生能够从课程中毕业.
非盟希望在2025年秋季开设社会工作硕士(MSW)学位, which will consist of a hybrid program. 从认证课程中获得BSW学位的学生将能够以高级成绩进入城市生活垃圾课程, which means they can complete the MSW program in one year. 在相关领域获得学士学位的学生可以完成2年的城市垃圾项目. The program will have integrated health care, children & youth, as well as substance use focus areas.
To learn more about the Augustana BSW, visit 奥吉.edu/SocialWork.